Social Contribution in Light of Value Chain: Sompo Japan Launches Support Site for Automobile repair shops in Disaster-Hit Areas - Online Message Board for Handover of Auto Repair Equipment and Tools -
May 12, 2011
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
At Sompo Japan, automobile and automobile liability insurance in Japan make up over 60% of our earnings. Many of these insurances are sold by professional insurance agencies and automobile repair shops, with the latter positioned as one of the key components of the value chain of Sompo Japan.
To support the swift return to business of automobile repair shops which sustained damages from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Sompo Japan has created the "Maching Needs and Offers" online message board for auto repair equipments and tools. The website is designed to match up automobile repair shops in afflicted areas needing equipments and tools with automobile repair shops which can give away these equipments and tools for free.
Automobile repair shops in afflicted areas and automobile repair shops which have equipments and tools to give away will first register on the website, and Sompo Japan will post a list on the message board. Automobile repair shops in afflicted areas which find information on equipments and tools they need will coordinate the hand over method and other details with the counterpart auto repair company through Sompo Japan.
We hope to have as many matchups as possible and that automobile repair shops affected by the earthquake will resume stable businesses. To this end, we are asking for the cooperation of automobile repair shops across Japan.
Sompo Japan sincerely prays for the speedy recovery and return to normal life of everyone in the afflicted areas.