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  2. Sustainability
  3. Social Contribution

Social Contribution

The Sompo Group strive to contribute to society in collaboration with NGOs/NPOs, civil society organizations, government agencies, and a number of other stakeholders.

Community Involvement

The Sompo Group is committed to contributing in developing a better society. To fulfill this commitment, the Group organizes and supports initiatives aimed at helping the development of local communities in which it operates around the world as a respected member.
As part of these efforts, group employees are encouraged to work to address local issues in cooperation with NGOs/NPOs and government bodies. Such social engagement is also expected to help each employee refine their understanding of the importance of Sustainability and creating a sustainable society.

Recovery Support towards the Great East Japan Earthquake

To support victims of the devastating Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, the Sompo Group has been continually carrying out various actions in response to the changing needs of the affected areas including the provision of puppet shows for children in Iwate prefecture, employee dispatch “Pro Bono” program, development of new products arising from the Earthquake(Radioactive Decontamination Liability Insurance, etc). etc.
